الأربعاء، 10 فبراير 2021

The arrival of the UAE to Mars and the realization of the "dream of Zayed"


he UAE is the third country in the world to succeed in reaching this planet from the first attempt and the fifth global country to accomplish the mission efficiently and efficiently in the service of science and humanity. Access to space is considered the "dream of Zayed", which has become the most important Arab scientific achievement and a watershed stage in the country's development path, which is the beginning of what it carries. Youth of energies and abilities that do not know the impossible and aspire to embrace the moon.

The newspapers said that this great achievement, which was achieved on February 9, 2021, joins the previous days of achievements and successes made by the UAE by reaching Mars ... to a point in the universe that is our starting point towards a new tomorrow, and it is a miracle that the UAE has achieved for its people and its nation.

"Al-Ittihad" newspaper wrote, "We reached Mars, and entered history, bypassing challenges and overcoming all difficulties, expressing the hopes and aspirations of our people and the Arab nation to enter the world of space, and registering the name of the Emirates under the leadership of Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, to be the third country in the world to succeed in reaching The Red Planet is the first attempt, and the fifth global country to accomplish this task efficiently and ably, in the service of science and humanity.

She added: A spectacle or more beautiful, with the entry of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, and Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, the control room, as soon as the success of the Hope Probe was announced by reaching an orbit The Red Planet ... a scene that expresses the course of our journey to Mars, in parallel with the process of building the human being and the interest in science launched by the wise leadership decades ago, as it is the guarantee for the future of nations and the prosperity of their generations and their distinction among the peoples of the world.

She pointed out that "Zayed's dream" has become the most important Arab scientific achievement, and a watershed stage in the nation's development march, at the hands of "Zayed's children" who pledged their leadership to build a civilized development model in which we are proud of the world and we hear about Mars, and it is only the beginning of what young people carry of the energies. And abilities that do not know the impossible, and aspire to embrace the moon.

In conclusion, Al-Ittihad said that February 9, 2021, is the culmination of a state’s march, a vision of exceptional leadership, an affiliated people with will and determination .. a 50-year-old process that began at the hands of the first founders, and continues with the same ambition and momentum for the next fifty years, to achieve civilizational, scientific and economic achievements And launching our exceptional initiatives ... Congratulations to the UAE and the Arabs for this historic leap into space.

Al-Khaleej newspaper wrote, under the title “Raise your concerns,” thanks to God the founder, Zayed, who planted the seeds of hope, and after him, for a wise and conscious leadership that works to realize visions and ideas and boldly charts the future path .. Thanks after thanks to the people of the Emirates, young men and women, for this great achievement that It was achieved on February 9, 2021, to join the previous days of Emirati achievements and successes.

She added, "We arrived at Mars, because we dropped the word" impossible "from our dictionary. We arrived because we did not wait for victories to come to us or beg for them, rather we make them with hard work, sweat, effort and will .. We arrived because the heart of our wise leadership is in its head before it is in its heart, and because the youth of the Emirates are at its guidance. Their leadership decided not to admit the impossible ... an exceptional effort for the people of the Emirates, so the dream became a reality, and the ceiling of ambitions for the people of the Emirates and Arab generations rose.

She concluded her editorial by saying, "Today, we have the right to raise our dignity and pride in order to extend space with the arrival of the Hope Probe to Mars orbit to start its scientific mission for the sake of humanity."

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